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Transponder Key and Remote Fit For Auto
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CBAY/Handy Baby programmer 4D/46/48 /G Clone Machine/chip

Click here to buy:
4D Clone Chip
46 Clone Chip
48 Clone Chip
Click to download Manual

In order to achieve high performance, convenient and quick, easy to understand,we designed the second generation product.

Power on : Press “power” button.

Power off : Press the “power” button for a few seconds, or press “power” button + “ok” button.

1.Identify and Copy

Identify : We can identify some kinds of chips like : 13, 40/41/42/44/45, 4C/46/46, 4D61/62/63/64/65/66/67/68, 71;

Copy : 46, 4D and a small part of 48 chip(for example : BUICK EXCELLE).

Operation : Follow the tip operation. Put the car key into the coil ,and press the “ok” button.For example:

46 chip--press “ok” button for cracking,then put the antenna near to the coil of car,insert the car key and twist(collecting),and then put the car key into the coil of machine to crack ,the last, put a new key into the coil to copy.

4D chip--press “ok” button for cracking,then put a new into the coil of machine to copy.

48 chip--press “ok” button for cracking,then put a new into the coil of machine to copy.


Pleas using with caution.Only for the chip of GMT46,GMT4D and 48 which can be change the UID.The old   chip data can not be restored if Initial success.

Enter the interface,select the appropriate type of chips,and press “ok”button. 

3.The frequency test

Test the frequency of car key remote controller.Enter 

the interface,put the remote controller near to the surface of “left” button,and press the remote button,then you can see the frequency. 

4.  Read and write data

4.1 Read and write 46 chip

We can read and write the 46 chip if select the correct  chip mode and password.Equipment default is 46 blank chip mode and password.

Select mode: Move the cursor to “mode”,press “ok”   button,background color will change to black,then press “up” or “down” button to select the mode of chip. 

Enter the password: Move the cursor to “password”, press “ok” button to enter the password,we can press “up” or “down” button to select data(0-F).When fininsh, press “ok” button to quit,then move the cursor to “all read”and press “ok” can get the data .

All read: All data of 46 chip can be read out,and show  the lock state.

Write: The data is written into the corresponding page  if it show unlock .

Enter the data: The operation like enter the password.

4.2 Read and write 48 chip

Read: Read out the UID and user data of 48 chip,and  show the lock state.

Write: The data is written into the corresponding page  if it show unlock .

Enter the data: Move the cursor to “data”,press “ok”   button to enter the data,we can press “up” or “down” button to select data(0-F).When fininsh, press “ok” button to quit,then move the cursor to “write” button and press “ok” .

Unlock: If the chip have been locked ,we could not write unless unlock it . Move the cursor to the “PIN”,and enter the correct PIN code,then move the cursor to the “unlock”,and press “ok” button.

4.3 Read and write 4D chip

Read: Read out the password,identification code,serial number,manufacturer code of 4D chip,and show the lock state.

Write: The data is written into the corresponding page  if it show unlock .

Enter the data: Move the cursor to “data”,press “ok”   button to enter the data,we can press “up” or “down” button to select data(0-F).When fininsh, press “ok” button to quit,then move the cursor to “write” button and press “ok”. 

Lock: Lock the corresponding page.If lock,can not be  restored.

Indentify: Enter the random number ,this operation will return the corresponding signature.

4.4 Other chip

We can identify some kinds of chips like : 13(can copy), 40/41/42/44/45, 4C/46/46, 4D61/62/63/64/65/66/67/68, 71;

Can copy 13 chip by using T5575 em4305 and some compatible chip.

5.Generation chip

67/68 chip :Need a 4D chip with unlock state.

Private 48 chip:Seattle TA, Volkswagen TA,SKODA TA, Audi TA, SEAT TP,Volkswagen TP,Volkswagen TP, Audi TP, Jetta.

Original JMD King Chip

it can replace the 4d 4c clone chip  and G clone chip and 46 clone chip .